
Called To Discipleship: Reflections On The Gospel Of Mark

Publisher: UNKNOWN
Availability: 2 in stock
ISBN: 9781839738616
  • Author JEMNA, DANUT
  • Pub Date 31/08/2023
  • Binding Paperback
  • Pages 156
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Drawing on Jesus’s example in the Gospel of Mark, this book offers an in-depth exploration of the nature of discipleship. A tool to help readers draw close to Jesus, it presents discipleship as a way of life centred on the journey back to God – a journey that integrates the quest for salvation, wholeness, and human fulfilment. Ultimately, the invitation to discipleship is an invitation to live in obedience to God and commitment to our fellow human beings, as Christ calls his followers not only to their own transformation but to participate in the transformation of others.

At a time when secular culture is rediscovering the benefits of discipleship, this book invites readers into a powerful experience of identity formation based on the values of Christ and his kingdom.
