
Fresh From The Word 2025: Daily Bible Studies From Around The World

Bringing together theologians, scholars, creative writers, church leaders and activists from around the world, Fresh from The Word 2025 offers notes, prayers and further thought suggestions for every day of the year
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ISBN: 9780281090525
  • Pub Date 15/08/2024
  • Binding Paperback
  • Pages 384
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'The Christian faith is new every morning, and that's a wonderful reason to read the scriptures each day . . . Let us seek to be encouragers to one another as we journey on together. My prayer is that God will give you faith, hope and love for whatever the coming year brings.' Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York

Many have written of the spiritual insight, comfort and joy derived from their regular reading of Fresh from The Word. We know the sheer variety of contributors and their willingness to engage with live issues can prove both (helpfully) disturbing and exhilarating!

This year's volume, which has much to say about the Christ who walks beside us and the challenges of sharing his tender love with others, offers true nourishment, as always. Alongside a reading for each day, you will find fresh thoughts and prayers.

Fresh from The Word aims to help us build the discipline of Bible reading into our lives so we are grounded in God's Word and our faith may deepen and develop. By offering accessible and engaging material, it aids our understanding of the Bible and helps us understand it from different Christian perspectives.
