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The Great High Priest: The Temple Roots of Christian Liturgy

Whereas most scholarship has concentrated upon the synagogue, Margaret Barker's work on the Jerusalem temple contributes to our understanding of the meaning and importance of many elements of Christian liturgy which have hitherto remained obscure. This book opens up a new field of research.

The Hardest Part: A Centenary Critical Edition

Marking the centenary of the end of the First World War, The Hardest Part offers a profoundly moving theology from within the trenches and offers for the first time, a new edition of a book by arguably the most famous 1st World War Army Chaplain, Studdert Kennedy, known as 'Woodbine Willie'.

The Hardest Problem: God, Evil And Suffering

The former religion editor of the TLS Rupert Shortt writes an accessible contemporary reflection on the perennial question of human suffering.

The Heaven Promise: Engaging the Bible's Truth About Life to Come

Can we really know what heaven will be like?

The Home Of God - A Brief Story Of Everything

Addressing the aching sense that there is nowhere we truly belong, this book tells the "story of everything" in which God creates this world as the home for humans and for God.

The Humility Of The Eternal Son: Reformed Kenoticism And The Repair Of Chalcedon

This book is the first thoroughly Reformed version of kenotic Christology. It has the virtue of overcoming from within the logical aporia created by the Chalcedonian Definition without abandoning that Definition.

The Identification Principle: How The Incarnation Shapes Faith And Ministry

Exploration of how the church can engage with the world through incarnational ministry.

the love that is god


The Mind In Another Place: My Life As A Scholar


The Mind of the Spirit: Paul's Approach to Transformed Thinking

A leading New Testament scholar explores an important but generally neglected area of Pauline theology, Paul's teaching about the mind and its implications for contemporary Christian life.